Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Its that time of the year again. The time when we come to the realization that 365 whole days have passed and all that we have to show for it is a drab routine, 2 mark-lists and a crappy "My status messages of the year" app on facebook. Its the time to usher in the new year (duh. anything to keep the party going) and get rolling with those resolutions. First of all, what is the meaning of the word 'resolution'? Wikipedia gives us 43 references to the word 'resolution' O_O
The most relevant definition would be 'a commitment that an individual makes at New Year's Day'. The duration of this commitment being self imposed, one can see a glaring loophole in the annual ritual of making New Year's Resolutions.
While i was sitting thinking about this, i remembered the resolutions i myself made last year:
1. Study More
2. Sleep Less
3. Go to the gym (what harm could it do?)
4. Complete University applications on time
5. Renew contact with at least 3 friends that i hadn't met for over 2 years

So on New Year's Day, 2010, I woke up fresh with a purpose. A sense of direction. A renewed enthusiasm. Or thats what I visualised anyway.
What actually happened is I had an extra lecture on the 1st of January (trust UDCT professors to make their own damn resolutions of finding newer ways to harass a bunch of frustrated TYCE students >_>). So, after partying all night, I went to that lecture. Seeing that all the last benches were occupied, I had to sit with the nerds up front and endure 2 hours of agony. I comforted myself with the notion that I was 'studying more and sleeping less' at least on New Year's Day. So after sleeping 4 hours in the afternoon, I decided to take a stab at gymming. Unfortunately, my dream debut in the gym didn't go according to plan. I pulled a muscle and had to take pain killers for the next few days. (Also, in February, I ended up with a plaster on my foot.) Thus ended option 3 of my resolution. The following Monday on the 4th of January, my results for the previous semester were declared and I had done pretty well compared to the previous sem (in which i had managed to bunk all bio lectures. \m/) After getting the result, I decided I deserved some respite from my 'hectic' schedule so i spent the entire day, and then the entire week sleeping and lazing around the heavenly abode that is room no. 5308. So now, options 1 & 2 were tossed out of the window. The rest of the sem passed by in a blur. Then it was time for internships and so, renewing the resolutions was........ inconvenient! :P College reopened on 1st July to the worst piece of news i've heard since the introduction of the surprise tests: I had been shifted to room no 5226 courtesy some warped up piece of crap PG who got his kicks by being a pain in the asses of all the UG students. RAAAAAGE!!
Fast forward to October when I got a call for a PhD. programme from the University of Connecticut.     (Yay! \m/) More relief than anything else. So i could proudly tick mark option 4.
And finally, it gave me immense pleasure to renew contact with some friends that i had not met in a long time. After meeting Ved Gund, Suraj Dandekar and Omkar Nene, I could finally tick mark option 5 on the list.
So having actually completed 40 % of the resolutions for 2010, I can definitely say that I passed... well, not with flying colours but what the hell. I passed ^_^

2011 will be a year for relaxation and leisure given the success of 2010. Because I have been in the leisure zone for the last 2 weeks, i decided to delay making any resolutions until now. :P So here are my Resolutions:
1. Sleep more (this will be a cinch ^_^)
2. Visit a foreign country apart from the US (hope to do it this vacation :))
3. Go to the gym (what harm could it do?)
4. Cut my hair at least once! (and i think my parents will probably do the honours! :P)
5. Take my kid sister on a tour of Mumbai

Seeing that i can get a 60% on this resolution im really geared for a rocking 2011!


Dodo said...

Akkal, I actually think you might have failed with a 20 % success rate. :P
We definitely met during the December of 2nd year and the summer after 2nd year too.

Archimonde said...

Are. Bhavnao ko samzo. ase barech ahet je 2 yrs nantar bhetle. Target 3 cha hota... -__-